What type of competition is the restaurant industry?

The restaurant industry (monopolistically competitive across the country) offers an example of a monopolistically competitive market. In most areas, there are a lot of firms, each one is different and entry is easy. Each product has a lot of nearby substitutes sold by different companies, including other restaurants and fast food establishments. Restaurants are a monopolistically competitive sector; in most areas there are many companies, each one is different, and entry and exit are very easy.

Each restaurant has many substitutes nearby, which may include other restaurants, fast food outlets, and the delicatessen and frozen food sections of local supermarkets. Other industries participating in monopolistic competition include retail stores, barbershops and beauty salons, auto repair shops, service stations, banks, and law and accounting firms. In business, the definition of a competitor is any company in the same industry that offers similar products and services and serves the same market. In the case of restaurants, a competitor is any company that sells food to the same target market.

Competitors can be divided into direct and indirect competition. Monopoly competition means that many companies compete with each other, but that they sell products that are distinctive in some way. Restaurants are a perfect example of monopolistic competition. They all compete with each other with food, beverages, and environment, but their particular type of food and beverages are distinctive and special in some ways.

Restaurants compete in monopolistically competitive markets. From a competitive point of view, there are a lot of companies and it's relatively easy to get in and out. However, these firms have something unique that gives them a certain monopoly power over their clients. The market in which the most expensive establishments compete has its menu “rules”, while the cheapest restaurants have theirs.

However, for both, the menu makes it easier to compete. Monopolistic competition is similar to perfect competition, since in both market structures many companies constitute the industry, and entry and exit are quite easy. Since a monopolistically competitive company faces a demand curve with a downward slope, its marginal revenue curve is a line with a downward slope that falls below the demand curve, as in the monopoly model. Figure 11.1 The short-term equilibrium in monopolistic competition shows the demand, marginal revenue, marginal cost, and average total cost curves faced by a monopolistically competitive company, Mama's Pizza.

A recent phone book in Colorado Springs, a city with a population of about half a million and home to the authors of its textbook, listed nine microbreweries and breweries; there are more, but they prefer to be listed as restaurants. A competition analysis is the methodical practice of analyzing competitors from a variety of different angles to understand the market and define their place in it. The long-term equilibrium solution in monopolistic competition always produces zero economic benefits at a point to the left of the low of the average total cost curve. In Figure 11.1 The short-term equilibrium in monopolistic competition, we see that Mama's Pizza is reaping economic benefits.

Monopolistic competition A model characterized by many companies that produce similar but differentiated products in a market with easy entry and exit. Find out how to perform a thorough analysis of customer reviews in the article Restaurant Menu Ideas %26 Testing. The monopolistically competitive model also predicts that, while companies can achieve positive economic benefits in the short term, the entry of new companies will shift the demand curve faced by each company on the left and economic gains will fall towards zero. Increasing the ATC from ATC1 to ATC2 would mean that some restaurants would gain negative economic benefits, as demonstrated by the shaded area.


Ismael Slagter
Ismael Slagter

Unapologetic zombie ninja. Award-winning internet expert. Avid tv expert. Certified web scholar. Avid coffee expert. Infuriatingly humble pizza scholar.